The Ammonite Vase

The Ammonite Vase is an unusual combination of traditional wrought iron work with a crystal glass. The piece features a colour fade with silver leaf overlay all applied during the hot working process. The iron work is forged seperately by Rex Latham Blacksmith and comes together with the glass during the final blowing manoeuvre.
Rarely will Lead Crystal and Wrought Iron be found together in one piece of work due to the differing contraction rates of the materials during the cooling/annealing process.
The Ammonite vase is a strictly limited edition of 200 with each piece individually engraved with its own number.

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Rex Latham Blacksmith responsible for the traditional wrought iron work featured in the Ammonite Vase. Rex occupies the Stableyard workshop alongside the OurGlass studio at Cockington Court.

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The base of the vase is engraved as pictured with an individual edition number. The Ammonite Vase is supplied complete with a numbered certificate detailing the work and providing authenticity to it's origin!
Price £155 + £10P&P(UK)
International P&P POA
Every piece produced is unique so may vary slightly from the pictures.
Each piece is accompanied with an informative booklet explaining all about OurGlass and the production techniques etc.
The work is signed with an engraved name (OurGlass) and year of manufacture.
OurGlass are registered for VAT in the UK.
Any prices quoted will include VAT at 20%.
Our UK VAT registration No. is 699 2881 58.